Dr Robles was teaching at James Cook University when he first thought of establishing a mobile dental surgery. Dental students from JCU are exposed early in their undergraduate training in rural and remote dentistry with various clinical placements in regional parts of Queensland. By establishing North Queensland’s 1st mobile dental surgery, Dr Garret hopes to encourage young graduates to stay and work in regional areas.
Initially towing with his Santorini black 2013 model Land Rover Defender, "defending teeth from cavities in the back of beyond!", our "POD" (dental van) is now better safely towed by our Pangea green 1st Edition New Defender. Our 21-foot outback specified dual axle clinic-on-wheels is probably readily recognisable being likely the only all-white decal-free "leisure" caravan on North West Queensland roads based on the commercially produced Jayco Basestation. Our tow cars and caravan were all purchased locally in Townsville and are maintained by Jayco Townsville and Townsville Jagular Land Rover.
Our dental van carry on board an A-dec dental chair, a “silent” air compressor, a Cattani portable suction system, and a W&H Lisa sterilisation bench top unit on its dedicated sterilization bay. A portable Vatech handheld x-ray unit and digital USB sensor is also carried on board. All dental equipment were professionally installed and regularly maintained by Medical Dental Solutions – also a Townsville local and family owned medical and dental equipment supplier and service and maintenance company. Both the treatment room and the dental x-ray unit passed initial radiation and continuing compliance testing by Sieverts.
Such mobile equipment allows Dr Robles to regularly service North West Queensland communities in Hughenden, Richmond and Julia Creek, Greenvale, Balgal Beach and Rollingstone in Townsville, and residents of Home Hill and Ayr in the Burdekin.
POD also provide school dental services for ATSI kids at St Patrick's College at the Strand, St Teresa's College in Abergowrie, and the NRL Cowboys House.
POD addresses the need of communites identified by Australia’s National Oral Health Plan 2015–2024 - providing much needed dental services to (1) people who are socially disadvantaged or on low incomes, (2) Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people, (3) people living in regional and remote Australia, and (4) people with additional and/or specialised health care needs.
For the continued mobile service delivery in rural and remote Queensland, Dr Robles received the North Queensland Primary Health Network (NQPHN) Dentist of the Year Award in 2018.
To find out more about our mobile dental van visits at your town or shire, please call us on 0427298698.
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